I have two quick announcements before we get to Cy Reed Unearths the Infinity, this week’s Cy Reed Journal entry.
First, Vapor is coming! Vapor (formerly codenamed Miasma) will be the fourth novel in my Cy Reed Adventures series. It’s been in the works for a loooong time. Look for the official cover later this week. The actual release date is still up in the air, but should be locked down soon. Just between us, I’m shooting for mid-April.
Website Updates
Second, I’m currently refocusing this website on the various worlds of David Meyer Universe. Hence, you can now visit the new Cy Reed world, which hosts all stuff related to our favorite treasure hunter / salvage expert. Currently, it contains information on the books, the Cy Reed Journal, and Cy Reed news. You can also see hints of what’s coming next … including a new book series! In addition, I’ve created a Guerrilla Explorer home to act as a storehouse for all Guerrilla Explorer-related articles. Also, I updated my About and Contact sections and adjusted my Blog section, which will cover news related to all aspects of David Meyer Universe. I also added a new section entitled Apex Predator. What is Apex Predator, you ask? You’re going to have to wait a little longer to find out. Regardless, this is a work in progress so expect to see things shifting about for the next few weeks.
Cy Reed Unearths the Infinity
Here is this week’s page from the Cy Reed Journal. It’s entitled, Cy Reed Unearths the Infinity. The reference to the Explorer’s Society indicates Cy obtained this article while visiting Dutch Graham’s office, a key early scene in Chaos. As you can see below, the Infinity has a long (and rather unsettling) history behind it. If you want to catch up on past Cy Reed Journal entries, be sure to visit the Cy Reed world!