During the 1930s, a strange group of Nazi sympathizers known as the Silver Legion of America built a gigantic, heavily-guarded bunker in Los Angeles. What was the purpose of this bunker? Did they hope to build a Nazi America?
Nazi America – Hitler’s American Bunker?
The members of the Silver Legion of America were known as Silver Shirts. And yes, their bunker was intended to help bring about a Nazi America. Specifically, they planned to ride out World War II within its confines as they waited for Hitler to arrive on American shores.
“This was supposed to be the seat of American fascism from where Hitler would one day run the United States.” ~ Randy Young, Historian
The compound was built by Jessie Murphy, who’d inherited a fortune from family-owned mines. It consisted of a diesel power plant, a concrete water tank, a meat locker, a vegetable garden, 22 bedrooms, and a bomb shelter. It still exists today, although it’s scheduled to be bulldozed in the near future. Here’s more on this strange bunker and its role in the Silver Shirts trying to create a Nazi America from The Daily Mail:
It sounds like the bizzare script of a Hollywood B-movie. In a parallel universe the Nazis have won the war, Adolf Hitler moves to LA where he mingles with the stars of the silver screen while running his evil empire from a luxurious ranch deep in the LA hills.
But during the 1930s, American sympathisers were so confident this exact scenario was actually going happen they spent millions building a deluxe compound ready for their fuhrer’s imminent arrival.