It’s one of the Bible’s most iconic stories. Infuriated at the wickedness of mankind, God sent a giant flood to wipe out the earth’s population, saving only Noah, his family, and two of every animal. Many people consider the story just that…a story. But in fact, there is evidence to suggest that the Great Flood has a historical basis.
The Mysterious Black Sea?
On July 7, a Bulgarian expedition, led by underwater archaeologist Professor Petko Dimitrov, announced the discovery of the original shoreline of the Black Sea, buried deep beneath the water’s surface (the Black Sea is the smaller body of water in the above picture). If correct, this evidence could help to support a longstanding theory that at some point in the past, the Black Sea experienced a sudden and tremendous influx of water which would later be recorded in history as the Great Flood.
The Black Sea is a peculiar body of water. It is a saltwater lake. Also, its deeper waters don’t mix with its surface waters, leading to a situation in which 90% of it contains very low levels of oxygen (bad for life, but terrific for underwater preservation). Generally speaking, most scientists agree that it started as a smaller freshwater lake. Thanks to a breach in the Bosporus Strait, the Mediterranean Sea flowed into the Black Sea, raising its water level and changing its salt content.
Did the Great Flood take place in the Black Sea?
However, the manner in which this happened is one of intense debate. Did it take place gradually? Or in one sudden moment of time? The latter theory is known as the Ryan-Pitman Theory. In essence, it postulates that the Black Sea experienced a massive deluge around 5600 BC due to glacier melting after the last Ice Age. The latest findings from Dimitrov’s expedition appears to support this theory.
Guerrilla Explorer’s Analysis
Direct evidence linking the Black Sea to the Genesis story of the Great Flood remains skimpy. However, the gigantic deluge theorized by the Dimitrov expedition would’ve had enormous ramifications for the area and the people who once called it home. Over time, those ramifications could have changed into the story that we now know from Genesis. Regardless, this latest discovery seems to indicate that a large, sudden flood did indeed take place in the Black Sea area many centuries ago. If nothing else, we are one step closer to finally learning the truth about the Great Flood.