Back in April, the Union Leader interviewed me and asked all sorts of questions about my life and writing career. Want to know what I consider an “average vacation?” Or how I got started as a writer? Or what I’ve got planned for the future? Then check out my interview with the Union Leader to learn everything you ever wanted to know about me!
Here’s a sneak peak …
Union Leader Interview with David Meyer
On a recent trip, David Meyer searched for Mayan ruins in Mexico (stumbling on them everywhere), swam with sharks in Belize (sustaining a bite from something), and was swarmed by soldiers in Guatemala after his driver hit a police car (ending up with stitches). As he puts it, “that’s kind of an average vacation for me.” Meyer’s thirst for adventure has taken him down into the arteries of underground New York City and all over the world. It’s also led him onto the page, where he’s found success as the self-published author of the Cy Reed Adventures treasure hunter series and a new Apex Predator monster series.
Having sold hundreds of thousands of books since his first novel, “Chaos,” came out in 2011, the 38-year-old has big ambitions for his storytelling future.
For the rest, read the full interview at the Union Leader.